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Improving manufacturing shift efficiency by 20%

Improving manufacturing shift efficiency by 20%


Factory teams sought to prevent production problems by pinpointing failure modes before they began




Staff Product Designer


Dec 2023 – April 2024


1 designer, 1 Product team, 6 engineers


In the high-stakes world of manufacturing, every second of machine downtime translates to lost productivity, increased costs, missed deadlines, and wasted materials. Traditional quality control methods rely heavily on manual oversight and intuition, making it challenging to prevent issues before they escalate.

Elementary, a leader in AI-powered quality inspection stations, set out to transform how manufacturers approach quality control by introducing a platform that leverages predictive analytics and data storytelling. This platform not only aggregates vast amounts of production data but also turns it into actionable insights accessible across all organizational levels.

Spotting defects prior to major problems saves downtime and improves efficiency

The Challenge

Manufacturers grapple with:

  • Unplanned Downtime: Machine breakdowns halt production lines, causing significant financial losses.
  • Inefficient Quality Control: Reliance on manual inspections and fragmented data makes it difficult to identify root causes of defects.
  • Data Overload without Insight: Massive data lakes from various sensors and systems lack cohesion, preventing meaningful analysis.
  • Collaboration Barriers: Disconnected teams struggle to communicate issues and solutions effectively.

Objective: Develop an analytics tool that provides real-time, actionable insights, enhances collaboration, and integrates seamlessly with existing manufacturing systems.

Design Process

To understand the needs and pain points of various stakeholders—quality engineers, operators, and executives—I conducted in-depth user interviews. I found users needed:

  • Quick Issue Identification: The necessity for immediate recognition of problems to prevent escalation.
  • Performance Benchmarking: A desire to compare shifts, machines, lines, and sites for a global performance view.
  • Collaborative Root Cause Analysis: A need for tools that facilitate teamwork in identifying and resolving issues.

Additionally, secondary research involved scouring scientific journals and industry reports to identify ideal manufacturing processes, providing a foundation to create workflows that mirrored best practices.

At PackExpo, a major industry trade show, I developed a research guide to identify customer groups based on their data maturity levels:

  1. Visionaries seeking predictive solutions.
  2. Process Optimizers enhancing existing systems.
  3. Platform Seekers whose processes were failing and lacked a clear solution.

These insights, combined with user interviews, shaped user archetypes:

  • Factory Operators: Require real-time, easy-to-understand alerts and intuitive interfaces to quickly address issues on the production floor.
  • Quality Managers: Need tools for trend analysis, root cause identification, and collaboration to ensure consistent product quality.
  • Data Scientists: Seek access to raw data, integration capabilities, and flexible analytics tools for advanced analysis and predictive modeling.
  • Executives: Desire high-level insights, strategic reporting, and predictive analytics to make informed decisions and drive business efficiency.

Major Findings & Design Challenges

Communication and collaboration needed to occur across three main areas:

  1. Identification of Improvement Areas: Spotting high-value, low-effort opportunities for process and product quality enhancements.
  2. Performance Benchmarking: Comparing shifts, machines, lines, and sites to obtain a global performance perspective.
  3. Collaborative Root Cause Analysis: Addressing the struggle quality managers faced with fragmented data when identifying issue sources alongside manufacturing teams.

Collaborative Design Sprint

I facilitated a design sprint with a cross-functional team focused on developing solutions at every organizational level. User journeys were mapped out, interface ideas sketched, and prototypes developed that could adapt to identified factory worker needs.

Rapid Prototyping & Iteration

Interactive prototypes brought the vision to life:

  • For Operators: Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) were designed to display clear, actionable insights and alerts. A "traffic light" system (green, yellow, red) indicated shift productivity and quality status at a glance, turning raw data into intuitive visual cues.
  • For Quality Managers: A collaborative root cause analysis tool was developed, combining data points, timelines, and annotations. This enabled seamless communication between departments and facilitated effective issue resolution.

Collaboration with data scientists and developers ensured the platform integrated with existing systems—PLC, SCADA, MES, and ERPs—allowing seamless data collection and analysis. An executive dashboard offered top-level KPIs and deep-dive analytics, ensuring decision-makers had real-time visibility into the factory's health.

Validation & Testing

I used usability testing sessions on the factory floor to provided critical insights:

  • Visual Preferences: Operators favored the "traffic light" alert system for quick comprehension.
  • Time of Incident: Knowing when issues occurred was crucial for understanding context before and after incidents.
  • Image Galleries: Users focused on image galleries, highlighting the importance of visual evidence in understanding issues.
  • Collaboration Needs: The ability to share images facilitated collaborative root cause analysis among team members.

These insights led to iterative improvements:

  • Enhanced Metrics Display: Failure rates were prominently displayed alongside previous rates for easy benchmarking, with color coding indicating trends.
  • Top Defects Chart: An easy-to-scan list of defects, helped users quickly identify recurring issues.
  • Share Image Feature: Implemented to facilitate collaboration and communication among team members.
  • Dynamic Timelines: Provided to help quality managers pinpoint when issues occurred, enhancing the root cause analysis process
Conveying quality incidents for quality engineers and factory operator collaboration. Each incident is summarized with a name based on root cause, number of items, cost and photos for identification of severity.
Additional photos for investigative purposes along with incident summary to aid in collaboration.
Heat map inspired quality incident tracker mimicking factory layouts and displayed over time.
Large welcome banners to indicate factory status at a glance to help teams determine overall status and communicate with executives.

Rapid Development with High-Impact Daily Reporting

With users eager to replace their daily reports with Elementary's insights and challenged by limited resources, designs were simplified to expedite rollout:

  • Focused KPIs: Failure rates, shift productivity using the "traffic light" system, total failed and inspected items were prominently displayed.
  • Comparative Metrics: Previous failure rates were provided for quick benchmarking.
  • Visual Aids: Bar charts for top defects facilitated quick understanding during shift meetings.
Iterations of simplified designs to aid time to market.

Low-Tech, High-Impact Solution

To meet immediate needs, I led creation of a streamlined reporting solution using Google Sheets integrated with the platform's data via App Script:

  • Delivered Value Quickly: Met users' needs without waiting for full-scale implementation.
  • Increased Trust: Demonstrated the system's capabilities, building user confidence and validating which KPIs were most needed.
  • Unlocked New Metrics: Encouraged creative data presentation, leading to the development of previously non-existent metrics and insights.

This low-tech, high-impact approach not only provided immediate value but also validated the system's potential, strengthening user trust and engagement.

Low tech, high impact and rapid time to market led to growth in user trust by identifying a quality issue impacting line efficiency 20% within the first week of launching reports.


20% Increase in Shift Productivity: Identified and resolved a problematic process within the first week, significantly boosting efficiency.

Reduced Downtime: Proactive issue detection led to fewer production halts.

Enhanced Collaboration: Teams used shared insights and image-sharing features to make informed adjustments in real-time.

Adoption of Data-Driven Culture: Daily reports became integral to shift meetings, fostering reliance on actionable data and increasing brand equity for Elementary.

Strengthened Customer Relationships: The platform's immediate impact built trust and positioned Elementary as a critical partner in operational success.

Key Takeaways

User-Centered Design Drives Impact: Deep understanding of user needs and challenges resulted in solutions that delivered tangible benefits across the organization.

Strategic Data Storytelling: Transformed raw data into compelling narratives that drive decision-making at all levels, from operators to executives.

Scalable and Flexible Solutions: Designed adaptable systems catering to various data maturity stages and user requirements.

Operational Excellence Achieved: Demonstrated significant improvements in productivity and efficiency, aligning with business goals and industry demands.


Elementary's AI-powered predictive analytics platform revolutionized manufacturing quality control by providing actionable insights, enhancing efficiency, and fostering a collaborative, data-driven culture. The strategic focus on delivering immediate value and integrating seamlessly with existing systems resulted in significant operational improvements. The platform not only improved operational efficiency but also strengthened customer relationships, establishing Elementary as a trusted leader in innovative manufacturing solutions.
